Week 9 – First antenatal appointment!

That’s right, the first midwifey appointment, where I got to pee in a tub, have my blood pressure checked and four vials of blood drained from my poor little body. Not only that but I had the pleasure of answering about a thousand questions about mine and OH’s health background and about birth plans and all sorts, as well as finding out that because I’m underweight, I need a few more consults than usual at the hospital, which means more weeing in a tub. The NHS really are so lucky for my generous contributions, aren’t they. The blood taking was the worst (I hate needles!) but I suppose if I can’t get through that.. there really is no hope for me harbouring and eventually bringing into the world something somewhat larger than a watermelon. 

On a positive – THE SCAN DATE. AAAAH. The scan date is actually the 21st Feb, 17 days away. That’s just over two weeks to actually see this little grape/strawberry sized thingy that’s growing inside of me, causing me nausea, discomfort and hormonal mood swings. It better be bloody worth it in the end. Right now I’m just hoping everything’s healthy and happy and going ahead as planned, even if my body absolutely cannot take it. Oh well.

17 days to go. 

OH, and I’m also convinced we’re having a boy. I think I mentioned this previously, but it’s just some weird sense. There are baby girl names we love to bits, that suit so well and we are so certain of.. and no boy names. NO BOY NAMES. And whilst my side of the family want a girl, his side wants a boy and I have no faith in me getting my own way in this. Plenty of time to think I guess, but the cute little lacey dresses in ASDA’s baby event are toying with me! No fair!

Enough rambling from me anyway, inabit 🙂 x