Week 10 – Hair disasters and annoyances.

Hair disasters? Where do I start! 

Actually, it all started with me thinking, oh, i fancy that lighter blonde-ish hair colour there, instead if my super dark ‘mahogany’ brown hair, verging on black that I have now. Have you ever tried to change your hair colour this drastically, let alone when you’ve been pregnant? I sincerely hope not, because after the long process, what followed was not nice. I actually have had no trouble with hair dyes let me reassure you, in the six years that I have been dying my hair from home, so this was a little bit of a shock. Yesterday I had used a colour remover on my hair, a blonde hair dye, followed by an ash blonde hair dye, and all was going well until the last dyes got on and my scalp started to sting. Some hair dyes do sting a little, and it actually calmed down a bit, but after all the dying and scrubbing and drying and repeating, at the very end of it all.. my sister quite wonderfully announced that my scalp, was bleeding. I must’ve had a chemical reaction/burn. Marvelous. Just what I wanted! A nice ash blonde stained red colour (and I say ash blonde, but really that was a bit optimistic thinking it would get that light – its more of a medium gingery brown from a dark brown black colour). Not only this, but because I’ve decided to let it settle and not aggravate my scalp more for a few days, I slept on it, and have a clumpy horrible patch at the back where it has actually dried into my hair. Even better. Lesson learned – once you are pregnant, you can’t do ANYTHING the same again. What a disaster.   

Other than that, people have been quite irritating lately, asking a lot of questions like ‘are you sure you’re pregnant?’ – really? After six positive tests, I’d think so. No need for you to put doubts into my head though, not like I’m already worried about the scan and everything being alright. You are all an absolute delight to talk to. I’ll give them the fact that I’ve had nausea mostly and bouts of morning sickness the last week, which appears to have stopped now. Counting myself lucky on that front, but please shut up. 

On a positive note – I can’t even think of anything positive right now. Lets go with a more crazy lady note, where I’ve only gone and bought a dress for a little baby girl, when we don’t even know what we’re having! In my defense, it won’t make a difference on what we end up having, I won’t love it any less if it was a boy, and it was super super cheap, down from £10 to £2.50!! Bargain! Only little niggle is that it’s first size and little lacy dresses aren’t probably what normal people dress their newborns in. To hell with it! I may go buy something for a little boy to even the playing field though. Lets hope this is normal haha. 


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